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for 2025-26

PSSA Testing

PSSA Testing

Pennsylvania System of School Assessment (PSSA)
Reading, Mathematics, Writing & Science

Since 2007, our school has taken part in the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment. The (PSSA) is a standardized test administered to public schools in the state of Pennsylvania. Students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 are assessed in reading skills and mathematics. Students in grades 5, 8, and 11 are assessed in writing skills. Students in grades 4, 8, 11 will also be assessed in skills relating to the natural science, primarily in the field of data interpretation and analysis. There are reporting categories for each subject which list eligible content to be tested in each grade. Assessment Anchors specify what is considered eligible content for each grade level tested. The PSSA applies to ALL schools and districts and is based on PA standards and content expectations. It is a Valid and Reliable testing system which recognizes growth and levels of performance. It is aligned with No Child Left Behind.

Chapter 4 of the State Board of Education Regulations requires that all students in grade 3-8 and 11 participate in the Writing and Mathematics/Reading assessments annually. Chapter 4 Regulations also mandate that students must score at the proficient or advanced level on each exam in Grade 11 to fulfill graduation requirements.

Why does Greater Works take part in this testing as a Non-Public school? Even though we are a Non-Public school and we are not mandated to take the PSSA’s, we chose to take part in the testing to better gauge your child’s level of performance based on state academic standards. We are the only Christian School in the state of Pennsylvania that takes part in the PSSA’s. Our teachers from the beginning of the school year incorporate Buckle Down Publishing workbooks to prepare the students for the Spring PSSA tests. If you would like any additional information regarding PSSA, please visit www.pde.state.pa.us.