Values Based Education

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724-327-6500 Ext. 135

Contact Us

301 College Park Dr.

Monroeville, PA 15146


for 2025-26

Enrollment Process

Enrollment Process

We evaluate applications and conduct interviews throughout the year. Contact us to receive an application. We can also arrange a campus tour and introduce prospective students and their parents/guardians to members of our administration. Please call our school office at 724-327-6500 ext. 135 to arrange for a tour.

Each new family must be interviewed. The presence of both parents and/or guardians is requested at the interview. Grade placement of new students rests with the Administration and the Admissions Committee. A probationary period of nine (9) school weeks for all new students will be required for final appointment to grades. Written notification to parents of any change in grade placement will immediately follow the nine (9) week probationary period.

The admissions testing program has been adopted for the following reasons:

    1. To inform the teacher of the child’s educational requirements. To assure placement in the grade for which the student is qualified.
    2. To enable the school to maintain high standards.
    3. To avoid the enrollment of students having problems or difficulties which the school is unable to adequately accommodate.

Acceptance of the applicant will be by verbal notice to the parents and/or guardian as soon as the Admissions Committee has reviewed the application.

Important: Applications cannot be processed until the school receives the completed Enrollment Application form, together with the full registration fee. Admissions decisions will be based on the applicant’s meeting admission standards.
