Values Based Education

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301 College Park Dr.

Monroeville, PA 15146


for 2025-26

Scholarship Information

Scholarship Information

We encourage all families to search for scholarships. The list of available scholarships is listed below. There are several outside agencies and organizations that offer tuition assistance for children attending private and Christian schools. Please read each organization’s guidelines carefully. They each have their own guidelines, requirements, documentation needed, and due dates. Foundations have two types of scholarships: EITC and OSTC. Both are based on income. EITC is available to all PA families that qualify by income; OSTC provides funds only for families living in low-performing school districts. To view the complete list of low-performing schools, click this link: https://www.education.pa.gov/K-12/Opportunity%20Scholarship%20Tax%20Credit%20Program/Pages/default.aspx#tab-1

Scholarship Organizations: 

1. Poise Foundation- Available for PreK-12th grade 

– Now Open; typically closes in mid to late spring 

– 3 specific applications available: PreK, K-12 for EITC, Opportunity Scholarship for OSTC – Go here for application instructions: http://www.poisefoundation.org/scholarships-overview/ 

2. Family Choice Scholarship – Available for PreK-12th grade 

– Now Open; closes in July

– Access information and online application here: http://myfamilychoice.org/students

3. Best of the Batch Foundation 

– Now Open; printable application only, must be submitted or postmarked by April – Must submit separate application copies for each category—one for EITC, one for OSTC – Download application at https://www.batchfoundation.org/educational-programs/scholarships/ 

4. Go Forward – Available for K-12th (no PreK) 

– Now Open; Printable application, must be submitted or postmarked by April – Download application here: https://goforwardeducation.org/support-for-students/