Values Based Education

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724-327-6500 Ext. 135

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301 College Park Dr.

Monroeville, PA 15146


for 2025-26



Greater Works Christian School was founded in 1981 with the sole purpose of educating children through Christ-like example/behavior and academic excellence. Today, we still strive to attain these goals in addition to a new dynamic that has been added. We believe that this addition truly separates us from other Christian Schools. Five years ago, we introduced the ministry class of Evangel/Missions to our students. God has used this outreach in many extraordinary ways.

Some examples are as follows:

Prayer/Awareness: In every Missions class, the students focus on and pray for the needs of others. These prayer targets could be the homeless, orphans in Colombia, starving people in Haiti or hurting people anywhere throughout the world.

Providing food, clothing and blankets for the homeless in Pittsburgh. We work alongside NO WALLS MINISTRY and its founder, Reverend Charlie Brownawell.

Providing Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for 85+ homeless people every year since we began.

Providing 85+ filled Christmas stockings that are distributed every year at the annual Christmas party for the homeless.

Designing and writing out greeting cards for every holiday. The homeless love this particular outreach and there are many wonderful stories and testimonies as a result of these cards. They are filled with hope, love and encouragement and cherished by everyone who receives them.

Providing “gently used” toys and clothes for less fortunate children in other countries.

Providing money (many times their allowance, money earned, birthday money, etc.) to buy food for starving children in Haiti.

These are only to name a few. It’s truly amazing how God uses this school to bless so many people throughout the world.

Every month we have a specific goal or project to focus on, although, canned goods and clothing are always welcome (for the homeless). This particular outreach is ongoing throughout the entire school year.

We have experienced that this class/ministry has been extremely successful in teaching children the importance of reaching out and giving away from themselves. Studies show that most children are not aware of the many needs in the world and even in their own communities!

This is such a rich life lesson for your child(ren) to learn, helping and ministering to others through their prayers and giving. We are humbly honored here at G.W.C.S. for the opportunity we have to change our world for Christ through our school and your children.

“If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord and He will repay you.”
Proverbs 19:17

In His Service,
Mrs. Candy Spahr