Values Based Education

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Monroeville, PA 15146


for 2025-26

Seventh Grade


Language: Children are given twenty spelling list words and five challenge words from the reading program. The reading vocabulary is strengthened through the spelling program. Spelling bees and other games are used for review.

Reading: The spelling words and the challenge words are incorporated into the reading stories to make for ease in oral reading. A story is read each week and phonics, as well as various focus skills (such a narrative elements, inference, summary, etc) are taught with the stories. Participation in the Book-It program is required. Additional reading support is provided by using PSSA Buckle Down Instructional Series.

Math: Instruction centers around nine units in the math text book and concepts presented in PSSA preparation. The curriculum includes use of whole numbers and decimals, algebra, data and graphing, multiplication and division, fractions, algebra and geometry, measurement and probability, ration and percent.

Science: The students investigate nature, study mammals and complete individual reports and projects. The next main unit involves energy and engines, where students have an opportunity to work in groups and design or demonstrate how energy works. Other units include wonders of the sky and watching the weather. Field trip to the Carnegie Science Center.

History: A major part of the studies is in ancient to modern history in Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Oceania, and Antarctica. The text intertwines biblical happenings with historical accounts of the Fertile Crescent, the ancient Middle East, the area of the Nile, and ancient Greece and Rome. They study events in England, Scotland, Ireland, and other countries in Western and Eastern Europe. Christianity, the greatest force in History, spans the time from early Christians to the Reformation and beyond. Reading maps is also stressed with comparing maps in the atlas to the globe. Students provide information for the study guides through critical reading and note-taking skills. Evaluation is also made on oral and written reports.


Art, Chapel, Bible, Missions, Physical Education, Spanish, Music


Students are assessed by qualified teachers using both objective and subjective data to determine grade level readiness. Grading is completed during four (nine-week) report periods. Parent conferences are held following the first grading period. Additional conferences are scheduled upon request.

Please bring in your child’s school supplies during parent/teacher orientation, and place in your child’s locker.  At parent/teacher orientation, we also need to know how your child will leave school daily, by bus or parent pick-up.

Individual Items:

  • Bookbag/Backpack
  • Lunch bag
  • Reusable water bottle (if desired)
  • Bible (Preferred Version: NIV)
  • 5 folders of different colors (OR binder with divider tabs if preferred)
  • 4 single subject notebooks (one for each subject)
  • Pencil pouch
  • Erasers
  • Markers
  • Colored pencils
  • 1 glue bottle or glue stick
  • Mechanical pencils (if preferred)
  • Lead for mechanical pencils (if preferred)
  • Texas Instruments – scientific calculator 
    • Here are some examples of ones with high reviews:  
      • Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS Scientific Calculator
      • Texas Instruments TI-30XS MultiView Scientific Calculator
      • Texas Instruments TI-30Xa Scientific Calculator
      • Texas Instruments TI-36X Pro Engineering/Scientific Calculator
    • There is also an app for Android phone holders called Wabbitemu where you can download the app and you will have access to a graphing calculator, which is great for other math classes down the line also. Graphing calculators are extremely expensive, so if you have an Android phone, this would definitely be something worth downloading! Sorry Apple users, they don’t offer it on Apple products!!

Classroom Items that are shared amongst the classrooms:

  • 2 packs of 24 count pencils
  • 1 ream of white printer paper
  • 1 ream of white college ruled paper
  • 1 pack of black dry erase markers
  • 1 pack of multi-colored dry erase markers
  • 1 pack of blue or black pens
  • 1 pack of black Sharpies
  • 1 pack of highlighters
  • 1 pack of index cards
  • 1 pack of Post-It Notes (2×2)
  • 1 pack of large paper clips
  • 1 pack of medium binder clips
  • 4 boxes of tissues
  • 4 paper towel rolls
  • 2 containers of Clorox Wipes
  • 1 bottle of dry erase board cleaner
  • 2 bottles of hand sanitizer
  • 1 box of Ziploc sandwich or quart size bags
  • 1 pack of bandaids