Values Based Education

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724-327-6500 Ext. 135

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301 College Park Dr.

Monroeville, PA 15146


for 2025-26

Second Grade


Language: The course focuses on grammar, the writing process, mechanics, and spelling. The students will write stories, friendly letters, and poetry.

Penmanship: The students begin to learn cursive handwriting.

Reading: Students will be given instruction in phonics, decoding, and comprehension. Students will be taught in small and large reading groups. Students will read orally to the teacher.

Phonics: Learn about blends, digraphs, contractions, alphabetic awareness, plurals, and syllabication.

Math: Addition, subtraction, place value, data and graphing, money, time, 2-digit addition and subtraction, geometry and measurement.

History: Learn about different types of communities and the people who work in them.

Science: The major areas of study include plants, animals, the body, teeth, and nutrition.

Health: Students will learn how to take care of their bodies to be healthy. In addition, they will learn about manners and safety.


Art, Chapel, Missions, Physical Education, Spanish, Music


Students are assessed by qualified teachers using both objective and subjective data to determine grade-level readiness. Grading is completed during four (nine-week) report periods. Parent conferences are held following the first grading period. Additional conferences are scheduled upon request.

Please write your child’s name on everything.  Please bring in your child’s school supplies during parent/teacher orientation and place in your child’s locker.  At parent/teacher orientation, we also need to know how your child will leave school daily, by bus or parent pick-up.

  • Backpack or Bookbag
  • 1 plastic pencil box
  • 1 pkg. markers
  • 1 box Crayola crayons
  • 2 packages of black thin or thick Expo markers
  • 4 rolls of paper towels
  • 1 dozen pencils (good quality)
  • 1 tub of antibacterial wipes (ex. Lysol wipes)
  • 1 box of band-aids (optional)
  • 2 boxes of Kleenex
  • 1 ream of (500 sheets) plain white copy paper
  • 2 sturdy folders with pockets 
  • 1 box of Ziploc baggies 
  • 8 pencil top erasers or 3 block erasers
  • 4 glue sticks