Values Based Education

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724-327-6500 Ext. 135

Contact Us

301 College Park Dr.

Monroeville, PA 15146


for 2025-26




  • To fulfill Greater Work’s mission of educating the “whole” child through a solid Christian education committed to academic excellence
  • To provide a safe, loving, nurturing atmosphere and positive learning environment
  • To implement developmentally appropriate techniques specific to the needs of the younger child
  • To provide group and individualized instruction
  • To cultivate individualized attention through low teacher-student ratios and one-on-one relationships with faculty
  • To teach scripture memorization and application of Biblical truths
  • To encourage parental involvement
  • To provide on-going family support and facilitate strong social connections and long-term friendships within the school


Greater Works Christian School early childhood curriculum addresses each area of development according to our mission statement – spiritually, academically, physically, socially, and emotionally. Students are taught using a developmental approach in self-contained classrooms. A solid Biblical perspective will reinforce the application of scriptural principles.

  • MATH: Number recognition, counting objects & numbers through the “ten-frame” model, writing 1 to 100, counting orally from 1 to 100+, patterns, shapes, addition, subtraction, right & left, directions, and the use of online math games and activities.
  • PHONICS: Blending: at, am, ap, ig, in, ip, it, en, et, op, ut, un, ug, up, ad, an, ot, ox, us, um, plus many more digraphs.
  • LANGUAGE: Letter recognition and letter sounds from A to Z, to encourage sounding out unfamiliar words and begin inventive spelling.
  • BUILDING READING SKILLS: Sight words: A, I, the, we, go , to, do, what, no, one, here, my, like, you, have, see, look, little, are, on, come, and many more. Proper reading skills: reading left to right, top to bottom, and with natural cadence . By the end of the school year your child will have added 200+ words to their reading vocabulary and will be able to read “early reader” books!
  • SCIENCE: Learning about God’s wonderful world, how seasons change, how we grow, and how plants and animals grow. Introduction to S.T.E.M through the use of “Scholastic Science Spin Magazines“.
  • SOCIAL STUDIES: Understand the many ways a community works with various community helpers and diverse holidays (firefighters, teachers, doctors, pastors, etc.). Utilizes “Scholastic Let’s Find Out Magazines” and guest speakers to learn more about our communities and holidays.
  • PENMANSHIP: Writing properly, correct pencil grip, and in complete sentences by the end of the year!
  • BIBLE: Learn the Word of God through 32 Bible stories, enforced with activities, scriptures, and songs.
  • Develop fine and gross motor skills: snap, tie, and zip, social and emotional skills, work habits, listening and speaking skills.


  • Art, Chapel, Missions, Physical Education, Spanish, Music


Students are assessed by qualified teachers using both objective and subjective data to determine grade level readiness. Grading is completed during four (nine-week) report periods. Parent conferences are held following the first grading period. Additional conferences are scheduled upon request.

Please write your child’s name on everything.  Please bring in your child’s school supplies during parent/teacher orientation and place in your child’s locker. At parent/teacher orientation, we also need to know how your child will leave school daily, by bus or parent pick-up.

  • Backpack – standard size
  • 2 folders
  • 1 box of crayons, 16 or less in a box
  • 1 pencil box, standard size
  • 1 package of glue sticks
  • 1 box of markers
  • 1 small watercolor paint set
  • 1 pair of child size scissors, 5”
  • 1 box of #2 pencils, 12 or less in a box
  • 2 boxes of Kleenex
  • 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
  • 1 container of Clorox Wipes
  • 2 rolls of paper towels
  • 1 package of fine tip black Expo dry-erase markers
  • Complete change of clothes: socks, underwear, pants, shirt (please label all items with student name)